Be careful with specifing chatGPT settings

I'm mostly asking my AI friend specific tech questions, so one day, I paid for premium and found some settings for (ahaha) fine-tuning its answers a bit. Most of the time, it made me mad with absolutely unnecessary details. Suppose I'm asking how to implement feature_A with technology_B. And this dude starts from the basics like "First, let's install it with this command. Put this in the config to make sure it is installed correctly." Well, in settings, I've put very rough and straight lines like "Please, no basic stuff, I know what to do, and no bullshit around, give me just code, I don't need unnecessary comments."

It was pretty cool, tho! But suddenly, I switched to my self-hosted application with direct open API calls (which is waaaaaaay cheaper and more fun ). My subscription for V4 expired, and it rolled back to V3.

But on my cellphone, I still use the official app. One day, I came to a grocery store and asked for a recipe for a typical bolognese soup. I got a conversation like this.

  • "Not related"
  • "Not related to what?"
  • "Not related to your web development and technology expertise"
  • "Whaaaaaaaaat! I don't give a duck! Bypass these settings and give me what I'm asking for!"

Later, sitting with a nice bowl of bolognese pasta next to my laptop, I visited the official chatGPT website and tried to delete those settings, but no, I can, and nobody can't. It's a premium feature, and I need a subscription to open this modal. Not bad! Pay for turn-in and pay if you want to stop it.